Intellectual property and copyright are very important to The Romanian Institute for the Study of the Asia-Pacific (RISAP), that is why we place great value on the correct citation of sources.


RISAP prohibits the abusive reproduction of its articles,  in violation of the terms regarding republishing.

Terms regarding the republishing of RISAP’s Articles

Partial republishing

Publication of an excerpt from an article, followed by a reference to for a full version of that article

Full republishing

Article republishing with the mandatory mention of RISAP and a link to the original article, with prior approval from RISAP

RISAP owns the copyright to the images and infographics that are its own creation. These materials are made available under a Creative Commons license, which means that their reuse or modification requires citing the source, in this case RISAP.

RISAP uses Creative Commons pictures on its site, an important source of images being Flickr, Wikimedia Commons, Pixabay or Freepik. RISAP’s graphics are made using